Welcome to my personal website!
I am
Dr. Alireza Peyman, Ophthalmologist, fellowship of cornea and anterior segment,
Professor of Ophthalmology and fulltime faculty member in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
In this website, you
could download my software, PowerPoint slides, and much useful information about ophthalmology.
Use links to download
softwares: Professional Ophthalmology Calculator for
advanced IOL power calculation with new generation formulae
and optimized constants, VectorAnalyzer for analysis of
vectors of astigmatic
change, and other products from my old website (near Snellen chart and
Amsler grid for print, a
Hess Lancaster strabismus test,
Worth-four dot test, on-screen visual
field test, strabismus simulator, and ophthalmology history and examination form).
To Apply for fellowship
in cornea & anterior segment:
Search the ICO Fellowship Host Directory:
ISFAHAN or Peyman

Search the IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowship Host Network:
ISFAHAN or Peyman

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